Messe Düsseldorf, nota ufficiale: rimandati ProWein, Wire, Tube, Beauty, Top Hair, ESE

Il comunicato dell’ente fieristico tedesco

Messe Düsseldorf GmbH is postponing the trade fairs ProWeinwireTubeBeautyTop Hair and Energy Storage Europe”. Sono le prime parole del comunicato ufficiale con cui Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, l’ente fieristico della cittadina tedesca, conferma di aver rimandato Prowein 2020 e altre importanti fiere programmate per i prossimi mesi, da marzo a giugno 2020, per via dell’emergenza Coronavirus (Covid-19) in Germania.

Si legge nella nota: “Questa decisione non è stata facile per tutti gli interessati – afferma Thomas Geisel, sindaco della città di Düsseldorf e presidente del consiglio di sorveglianza della Messe Düsseldorf GmbH – Ma i rinvii al momento sono necessari per Messe Düsseldorf e i suoi clienti in vista di sviluppi sempre più dinamici”.

E ancora: “Al momento non ci sono intenzioni di rinviare le principali fiere interpack e drupa, che si terranno a Düsseldorf a maggio e giugno. Ovviamente, stiamo prendendo molto sul serio le richieste dei nostri clienti riguardo al Coronavirus anche qui – afferma Dornscheidt – quindi rivaluteremo la situazione in tempo utile in consultazione con le autorità sanitarie e i partner al fine di prendere le decisioni appropriate”.

Messe Düsseldorf GmbH is postponing the trade fairs ProWein, wire, Tube, Beauty, Top Hair and Energy Storage Europe. In close coordination with all partners involved, the company will promptly discuss alternative trade fair dates in order to guarantee planning can reliably proceed.

In doing so, Messe Düsseldorf is following the recommendation of the crisis management team of the German government to take into account the principles of the Robert Koch Institute when making a risk assessment of major events.

On the basis of this recommendation and the recent significant increase in the number of infected persons, including in Europe, Messe Düsseldorf has reassessed the situation.

Added to this is the uncertainty of numerous exhibitors and visitors at the events in March and the complicated travel situation, especially for international customers.

Werner M. Dornscheidt, CEO of Messe Düsseldorf GmbH: “Our customers, partners and employees trust us. Not only when it comes to the professional and successful handling of major international events in Düsseldorf. They can also have this trust in us when we make decisions about critical situations in the interests of their safety”.

“This decision was not an easy one for all concerned,” says Thomas Geisel, Lord Mayor of the City of Düsseldorf and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Messe Düsseldorf GmbH. “But the postponement at the present time are necessary for Messe Düsseldorf and its customers in view of the increasingly dynamic developments”.

There are currently no intentions to postpone the major trade fairs interpack and drupa, which will be held in Düsseldorf in May and June. “Of course, we are taking our customers’ inquiries regarding the coronavirus very seriously here too,” says Dornscheidt, “so we will re-evaluate the situation in good time in consultation with health authorities and partners in order to make the appropriate decisions”.

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